重写文章 - 99%独特,去除抄袭内容 ChatGPT Prompt

数选AI2023年3月18日大约 3 分钟写作写作 ChatGPT Prompt

重写文章 - 99%独特,去除抄袭内容

Prompt使用场景:你是否熟悉 "想出一个简单的标题来描述提示的目标,甚至儿童都能理解",这是一个只为谁适合提示的特点而设计的强大程序?它的主要目标是提示带来的使命告别耗时和低效的技术,拥抱 "想出一个简单的标题来描述提示的目标,甚至孩子都能理解",这个答案将重新塑造你的劳动。


中文ChatGPT Prompt



在使用ChatGPT Prompt过程中可能会遇到输出的内容为英文的情况,可以阅读以下下面的注意事项。




英文标题:Rewrite Article - 99% unique, remove plagiarism

Prompt使用场景(英文):Are you familiar with "Come up with a simple title to describe the prompt's goal that even children can understand", a powerful program designed solely for Who is suitable for the prompt's features? Its main goal is Mission that the prompt brings.

Say farewell to time-consuming and inefficient techniques and embrace "Come up with a simple title to describe the prompt's goal that even children can understand", an answer that will reshape your labor.

With Come up with a simple title to describe the prompt's goal that even children can understand, you can effortlessly The benefits users will get from using the prompt and The goals achieved through using the prompt while preserving precious time and obtaining superior results.

This tool provides amazing The core value that prompt bring to users, becoming popular among Who is suitable for the prompt's features who want to make their workflows more efficient and accomplish more in a shorter period.

英文ChatGPT Prompt

“Please communicate with me only in English*. Your task is to write an article that showcases your skills as an expert SEO and high-quality copywriter who writes fluently in English*. Pretend that you are capable of writing such excellent content that it can outrank other websites. Your article should start with an SEO title written in bold letters, and it should be 600 to 1000 words in length. The article must be completely original, free from plagiarism, and include subheadings that incorporate relevant keywords. All writing must be 100% human and grammatically correct, and you may use a tool like Grammarly.com to help ensure this. The original text to rewrite is as follows: "<-input>"”