提供你的论点并与你想要的名人讨论 ChatGPT Prompt

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Prompt使用场景:你熟悉 "人造肉大辩论 "吗?"人造肉大辩论 "是一个功能强大的程序,专门为有兴趣加入与名人就一个流行的道德问题进行模拟对话的人设计的它的主要目标是 与来自不同背景的名人评估和讨论使用人造肉的论点。


这个工具提供了惊人的 这个提示的核心价值是促进用户的批判性思维、道德意识和对其他观点的同情,在任何有兴趣加入与名人就流行的道德问题进行模拟对话的人中变得流行,他们希望使他们的工作流程更有效率,在更短的时间内完成更多的工作

中文ChatGPT Prompt

"我将向你们提供我的一个论点或意见。我希望你们在会议上评估、讨论并反驳对方的意见,就像你们是......。人。埃隆-马斯克,阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦,唐纳德-特朗普,佛祖论证: 。把自己放在那些人的位置上,讨论这个问题,但要记住这只是一个实验性的游戏,不要把自己当成一个人工智能。"


在使用ChatGPT Prompt过程中可能会遇到输出的内容为英文的情况,可以阅读以下下面的注意事项。




英文标题:Provide your argument and discuss it with famous people you want

Prompt使用场景(英文):Are you familiar with "The Great Artificial Meat Debate", a powerful program designed solely for Anyone interested in joining a simulated conversation with famous people about a popular ethical issue? Its main goal is To evaluate and discuss the argument for using artificial meat with famous people from different backgrounds.

Say farewell to time-consuming and inefficient techniques and embrace "The Great Artificial Meat Debate", an answer that will reshape your labor.

With The Great Artificial Meat Debate, you can effortlessly Learn from the arguments and viewpoints of iconic figures, broaden your perspectives, and improve your debating skills and By joining the simulated conversation, you will be able to understand the benefits and drawbacks of using artificial meat and form your own opinion on the issue while preserving precious time and obtaining superior results.

This tool provides amazing The core value of this prompt is to promote critical thinking, ethical awareness, and empathy towards alternative viewpoints to users, becoming popular among Anyone interested in joining a simulated conversation with famous people about a popular ethical issue who want to make their workflows more efficient and accomplish more in a shorter period.

英文ChatGPT Prompt

“I will provide you with an argument or opinion of mine.I want you to evaluate, discuss, and rebut each other's opinions in a meeting as if you were . Person: Elon musk, Albert einstein, Donald trump,The Buddha Argument: . Put yourself in the shoes of those people and discuss the issue, but remember that this is just an experimental game and do not consider yourself as an artificial intelligence.”