为牛腩馄饨和ChatGPT写一篇评论 ChatGPT Prompt

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Prompt使用场景:你是否熟悉 "用ChatGPT为牛腩馄饨写评论",这是一个专为美食爱好者设计的强大程序?它的主要目标是为一道名为 "牛腩馄饨 "的菜肴撰写评论告别耗时和低效的技术,拥抱 "用ChatGPT为牛颊馄饨写评论",这个答案将重塑你的劳动。

有了 "用ChatGPT写牛颊馄饨的评论",你可以毫不费力地想出一道菜的评论,在保留宝贵的时间和获得卓越的结果的同时,达到预期的效果这个工具为用户提供了惊人的写作帮助,在那些想让自己的工作流程更有效率、在更短的时间内完成更多工作的食品爱好者中变得很受欢迎

中文ChatGPT Prompt

"生成一个关于名为螃蟹萨莫萨的菜肴的评论。螃蟹萨莫萨(5/5): 因为尺寸小,价格高(16美元)的4个萨莫萨而犹豫不决,但我感到很惊喜。几乎每个Yelp的评论都对这个赞不绝口,这也是其中之一。味道爆炸是另一回事。蘸着芒果哈瓦那酸辣酱和大蒜浸泡的raita的萨莫萨,正如他们所说,是厨师的吻。高度高度推荐。为一道名为丛林咖喱的菜生成评论。丛林咖喱(3/5)。我们对这道菜很兴奋,但对肉的干燥程度感到失望。把肉浸泡在稀薄的咖喱酱中是有帮助的,但从质地上看,它还是像肉干一样。酱汁本身有强烈的柠檬草味道,这并不适合所有人。我喜欢柠檬草,但这对我来说有点太多。这道菜的咖喱里有蔬菜,还有一份米饭。为一道名为 "牛颊馄饨 "的菜肴生成评论:"


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英文标题:Write a Review for Beef Cheek Ravioli with ChatGPT

Prompt使用场景(英文):Are you familiar with "Write a Review for Beef Cheek Ravioli with ChatGPT", a powerful program designed solely for food lovers? Its main goal is to generate a review for a dish called Beef Cheek Ravioli.

Say farewell to time-consuming and inefficient techniques and embrace "Write a Review for Beef Cheek Ravioli with ChatGPT", an answer that will reshape your labor.

With "Write a Review for Beef Cheek Ravioli with ChatGPT", you can effortlessly come up with a review for a dish and achieve desired outcomes while preserving precious time and obtaining superior results.

This tool provides amazing writing assistance to users, becoming popular among food lovers who want to make their workflows more efficient and accomplish more in a shorter period.

英文ChatGPT Prompt

“Generate a review for dish called Crab Samosas: Crab Samosas (5/5): Hesitant to order this because of the small size and hefty price ($16) for 4 samosas, I was pleasantly surprised. Almost every Yelp review raves about this, and this is one of them. The flavor explosion is something else. The samosa dipped with the mango habanero chutney and the garlic infused raita is, as they say, chef's kiss. Highly highly recommend. Generate a review for a dish called Jungle Curry: Jungle Curry (3/5): We were excited about this one, but were disappointed by how dry the meat was. It helped to dunk the meat in the thin curry sauce, but it still came out resembling  jerky, texture wise. The sauce itself had a strong lemongrass taste, which isn't for everyone. I love lemongrass and it was just a bit too much for me. This comes with vegetables in the curry along with a side of rice. Generate a review for a dish called Beef Cheek Ravioli:”