撰写超短的外展邮件 ChatGPT Prompt
Prompt使用场景:你是否熟悉 "写超短的外展邮件",这是一个为营销人员设计的个性化提示?它的主要目的是写3个超短的2句话的推广邮件的例子,只问一个与[免费提供]有关的好奇心的问题与其把时间和精力浪费在低效的方法上,不如试试 "写超短的外展邮件",这个解决方案将彻底改变你的工作策略。
有了 "写超短的外联邮件",你可以获得快速有效地制作邮件的能力,同时节省宝贵的时间并获得出色的结果该提示为用户提供了显著的便利,成为那些希望完善其工作操作并在有限时间内取得成功的营销人员的首选
中文ChatGPT Prompt
在使用ChatGPT Prompt过程中可能会遇到输出的内容为英文的情况,可以阅读以下下面的注意事项。
英文标题:Write ultra-short outreach emails
Prompt使用场景(英文):Are you familiar with "Write ultra-short outreach emails", a personalized prompt designed for marketers? Its primary purpose is to write 3 examples of ultra-short 2-sentence outreach emails that only ask one curiosity-provoking question that connects to [free offer].
Instead of wasting time and energy on inefficient methods, try "Write ultra-short outreach emails", a solution that will revolutionize your work strategy.
With "Write ultra-short outreach emails", you can gain the ability to craft effective emails quickly and efficiently while saving precious time and getting excellent results.
This prompt offers remarkable convenience to users, becoming the go-to choice for marketers who want to refine their job operations and be successful with limited time.
英文ChatGPT Prompt
“Write 3 examples of ultra-short 2-sentence outreach emails that only ask one curiosity-provoking question that connects to [free offer]. Include [firstname] and [blog post title]”